Little Sandman (German: Unser Sandmännchen or Sandmann) is a German animated children's program to bring harmony, peace and security to the children at the end of the day - and we achieve it with the right mattress.
The mattress is specially developed for infants / toddlers and has a comfort foam core with very good body support properties. It has been produced environmentally friendly and is easily recyclable. Particularly beautiful: The high quality mattress cover contains Little Sandman embroidery with many stars. The overtake is detachable and washable up to 60 ° C. In addition, it is made of 100% antimony free polyester. There are no heavy metals used in the fabrication of the cover.
Baby Mattress Little Sandman in Detail:
- Baby and toddler mattress with high quality Little Sandman embroidery in different sizes - High dimensional stability and very good body support properties - Very good moisture transport through open foam structure - Good synchronized quilt with high quality climate fiber (100% viscose) based on corn (top and bottom) - Environmentally friendly and recyclable, antimony free, heavy metal free - The zip chain is removable and washable up to 60 ° C - Double coat of 100% antimony-free polyester - Comfort foam core: 8 cm - Total height: approx. 10 cm - Hardness: suitable for babies and toddlers - Room size: RG28